近日,黄国英院长收到我院国际合作伙伴加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚儿童医院的来信,对我国发生地震表示关切和慰问,很感人,内容如下: 尊敬的黄院长和各位同道: 谨代表国际儿童健康中心(Center for International Child Health)写此信。 获悉地震正在给中国带来巨大的灾难,我们一直处于深深的悲痛之中。众多中国人的痛苦和磨难是我们难以体会的。我们知道您和您的同事正在为灾难中的受害者提供医疗帮助。贵国对这次地震灾害的应对令人印象特别深刻,令整个世界钦佩并应该成为其它国家效仿的榜样。 此时此刻,我们的心和您们在一起。请接受我们对受难者的哀悼,并将慰问之情转达给您带领的团队的所有成员。如果需要我们提供任何帮助,请告诉我们。 你的诚挚的 Tex Kissoon医学博士 Dear Prof. Huang and Esteemed Colleagues, We have been following with great sorrow the tragedy China is facing following the earthquake. The pain and suffering faced by such large numbers of Chinese is difficult for us to comprehend. We know that you and your colleagues are involved in providing medical help to those afflicted in the tragedy. Your country's response has been extremely impressive - an example the entire world should admire and aspire to. Our thoughts and heartfelt wishes are with you at this time. Please accept and extend our condolences to your entire team. If we can be of assistance, please let us know. Sincerely yours Tex Kissoon MD On behalf of the CICH Team