


Associate Chief physician


Research field:

Medical expertise:

Pediatric trauma, scoliosis deformity, congenital limb deformity correction


Brief work experience: From 1984 to 1990, he studied clinical medicine in Shanghai Second Medical University and obtained his bachelor's degree. After graduation, he worked in orthopedics Department of Baogang Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical University. He was transferred to Pediatric orthopedics Department of Children's Hospital of Fudan University in 2000. Further study: In 1998 and 2004, he went to the Department of Joint Surgery of HENRI MONDOR Hospital and HEBERE DEBERIE Pediatric Orthopedics affiliated to Six Major hospitals in Paris, France for further study Scientific research achievements and articles: He has published many papers and has been included in SCI papers Honors: In 2008, he was dispatched by the Ministry of Health to participate in the Sichuan earthquake relief and won the title of "National Advanced Individual in earthquake relief".